
Everything you need for being a good rated coder in CP

So guys thanks to all for viewing my blog i assure you all that i will upload all the best resources and tips by which you can become a good rated coder.So subscribe my blog if you like it.:)

Simple book for Data structures and agorithms

Many people complains that they find CLRS a bit tough at starting so after asking many senior programmers i have concluded that   this book is a good choice for all the beginners.After this book students may find  CLRS concepts easy to grasp.

What are the common mistakes made by beginner competitive programmers?

Please note that this answer is dedicated to competitive programmers only, as well as some recommendations in it. Competitive programming is not about readability, but about being able to code and debug fast. And still, the mains problems that I've seen: laziness and do not caring about code style even a little. That's ok if your program gets Accepted on first try, but otherwise you're gonna have a bad time debugging it. In general. So, mistakes (all of them are real stories): Focusing on easier and 'cooler' things (like using of bitwise operations a lot instead of straightforward mathmatical formulas) instead of making code simpler to read and debug. Not only for them, but for the one who will help them too. Copy-pasting it all around. "We don't need no architecture, just a little hack here is not bad. Oh, and here is another one. And here. C'mon, I still can tell you how is this supposed to work, but it doesn't work somewhy, can you help me?&q

Can I become a really good self-taught programmer?

Here is what I can tell you about becoming a self taught programmer. The rational of becoming a self taught for something is strong. However, it depends on how far the first initial pushes will get you, because that ambition will need to fuel you to the rest of the way. That is one way to determine how bad or good one could become at something. Building a mantra or lets say a rough plan can be helpful. I would say a rough plan, since plans tend to be cute, beautiful and motivated like babies, but they need to be changed often. Being ready to change them is a key here. Avoid things like four steps, or 10 hour guides, since if one get stuck at a step, it will feel like an overwhelming task going around it, the better approach is a following the rough plan. So here is my rough plan: Fun:  This needs to approached as a fun activity to do rather than a learning path that might never end or an office routine, because being a self taught is a bit different than going to school. Here

Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python

There are lots of places where we can find data structures and algorithms which are generally implemented in c,c++ or java but in this link you will get to learn Problem solving using python.Altough python is not a recommendable language in Competitive programming but sometimes python is better if you want to write short code.So here is the link you can study extensively here. Good luck! :)

40+ Best Programming Contest | Coding Competition Websites

Online Programming contest sites are websites which are an ideal platform through which a programmer gets a unique opportunity to test his programming skills through the online contests held online at set frequencies. These contest sites would also enable a programmer to do a self evaluation on where he stands vis-a-vis the other online contestants. The contestants also get the opportunity to showcase his brilliance by solving problems which no one else might have solved yet. And last but not the least; the prize money for the winner is much higher when compared to a freelance site and the probability of landing up with a good job is much higher. The following section discusses the speciality of some of such websites and why they are good to be tried out. CodeChef The specialty of the site is that not only it is an online programming contest site but it also provides the programmers an opportunity to be trained, meet each other and have a healthy competition. It is good to

How to study CLRS?

Well, you should read this book from Start to end (From Basics to Masters). Here are my suggestion on How to read this Book.  Reading and Understanding CLRS: 1.  Use video lectures to understand the concept, and read the chapter from the book. Best site for CLRS lecture videos :  Lecture 1: Administrivia, Introduction, Analysis of Algorithms, Insertion Sort, Mergesort Video Lectures | Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503) | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare Peteris Krumins  has published a series of blog posts covering the lectures. You can  also find his lecture notes for each video. Start with this one: log/mit... . What if you're not understanding Mathematical equations and Proofs, functions given in the Book?  1.  Watch Videos on Discrete mathematics by Arsdigita University Course 02: Discrete Mathematics (Arsdigita University) : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive   In parallel with it read  Discrete mathe