
Bible of Algorithms

This is the most prefferable book for competitive programmers you can download it at,_Charles_E._Leiserson,_Ronald_L.(

How to get started.

Here are some steps to get started and be good at it. Get comfortable writing code in either of one of these languages C, C++ or Java . Why only C, C++ or Java? Because these are the standard languages allowed in any programming competition.   If you are already good at C, it is suggested to learn C++ . It is the most popular language among competitive programmers because of its speed and an excellent library in the form of STL (Standard Template Library).   Pick an online judge. Recommended ones are Topcoder and Codeforces . These sites have high quality of problems and also allow you to see other’s code post contest completion. These also categorize problems based on the topic. Some other popular judges include SPOJ , CodeChef (powered by SPOJ) and HackerEarth .   To begin with, start with simple problems that typically require transformingEnglish to code and does not require any knowledge on algorithms. Solving Div 2 250 (Division 2, 250 points) in Topcoder or Div 2 P

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